Founder and Owner
Intuitive thinker combing attributes in logical structural systems with intuitive driven actions.
Client who is seeking help in movement forward towards their business goals and wants to co create options through discussions, research, and intuitive direction.
CLAUDIA LAMY engages with a variety of creative, technical and scientific professionals that provides insights of multiple systems to enhance manners of view points and solutions.
Creative Exchanges
CLAUDIA LAMY started her ART SERVED business to provide herself a system that is built on diversity of experiences and subjects that feed her curiosity in arts, technology and human nature as well as create a ongoing full time business exchanging her value with clients.
Her creative nature and solution oriented mindset is what she is able to give through heart felt conversations, interactions and experiences. Natural teacher who listens to core needs of the situation and bring about a growth mindset. Sit down with her to look at a situation from a perspective that provides a gate way to approach the task or goal and moment in a new light that creates space and growth.
Her constant weaving of life, work and spirituality provide her the faith to work with passion , purpose, peace and play, through her changes. Global approach to finding commonalities among human core values and needs, segway her vision of creating art with the themes of relating, use of technology and other analog ways to communicate subconscious and conscious messages of sexuality, intimacy within self and others.
Tapping into the microcode thus micro moments that people could reengage in self to bring about self harmony and awareness. Her work relates to her study of self, self expression and emanates into relating with others. Her past experience in business, education and therapy provides her root sources to create and align her interests and talents to the redesign to the current functioning world.